Monday 28 August 2017

Earth Island Mysticism Plays Out Again in Ireland

Image result for easter island

About a thousand years ago, the people of Earth Island went to the trouble of building large monolith structures in the hope that they could satisfy their gods and perhaps improve weather and crop conditions on the island. 

Last year in Inishowen, County Donegal, a huge wind farm was built. The developers promised in their planning documents that it would help combat "climate change". The area has a long history of bad flooding and bad weather. Would it work ? Could wind farms prevent extreme weather by allegedly reducing carbon emissions ?

Well, last week we found out. Another flood has occurred, this time as bad, if not worse than ever.

One of the worst areas hit was the Inishowen Peninsula along the border with Co Derry where villages and towns including Burnfoot, Burt, Bridgend and Buncrana were badly hit - IT.

Extreme bad weather and floods are nature's way of reclaiming the landscape altered by humans. There always has been and always will be extreme weather events. When humans eventually die out, every single structure built by us will be taken down bit by bit, without any help from carbon emissions. We are constantly in a struggle with nature to maintain our infrastructure whether it's from earthquakes, sinkholes, coastal erosion or floods.

We need to lose the mysticism about it and instead focus on smarter planning. Building a wind farm in your region actually contributes to greater flooding because natural drainage areas that have existed for thousands of years have now being filled with concrete and steel. 

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Construction Industry Hit by PSO Levy

From The Irish Times :

The Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) wants to increase the public service obligation (PSO) levy on electricity bills by €104 million to €496.5 million from next October to support renewable energy developers and peat-fired power plants.
However, cement and concrete manufacturers, whose businesses face high energy bills, have warned the regulator that such a move could hit jobs and endanger the recovery in construction.
In a submission to the commission, manufacturer Kilsaran International says that over the 12 months from October, the increase would add €43,984 to its energy bills and points out that it cannot recover this from customers.

One of the biggest issues in Ireland right now is the shortage in housing. It is being framed as a problem for government to fix but probably the best thing the government could do is stay out of it. By meddling with energy costs, the government has hit the very people who could sort out the housing crisis - the people who build the houses. 

The Irish Government creates problems. Then everyone looks to them to solve it. 

Thursday 10 August 2017

The Migrant Crisis, Robots, Global Warming and the Inconsistency of the Media

Reading and believing the Mainstream media these days requires you to believe several different and conflicting positions / theories at the same time. It seems they have lost all sense of consistency in their urge to be politically correct.  

This video looks at some recent discussions in the media :