Sunday 22 September 2019

The Motor Industry is Unsustainable because of Debt

Gross new lending for car purchase was €2.1 billion over the past twelve months, the largest amount of new lending recorded since the series began. Non-PCP hire purchase agreements were the main driver of the increase in new lending
- The Central Bank of Ireland, August 2019

The number of motor cars could be reduced, if the Government really wanted to do it, by capping car loans for petrol and diesel vehicles. 

Instead, they prefer the more trendy and coffers-friendly solution of carbon taxes. 


  1. Capping loans?

    Would that mean a form of rationing or just allowing wealthy people to have cars.

    Should we worry about our banks lending money for mortgages on property in cities that will be flooded by global warming. The gobal warming science is beyond question.

    1. There does not appear to be any bargains for property in low lying areas at all. If they believed they would be flooded, they would be leaving and getting a good price for their houses.
