Monday, 27 April 2020

Michael Moore's New Documentary

Michael Moore's new documentary "Planet of the Humans" ranks as one of the greatest documentaries and productions I've ever seen. It proves that the fossil fuel and renewable industry is one and the same. It proves that the mainstream environmental movement runs on $ , not genuine green credentials. The solution perhaps was not spelled out enough at the end, which is that people need to reduce their consumption habits. Only when ordinary people change their habits and take responsibility , can the environment be saved. It won't be done by capitalism, socialism or any other ism.

The youtube link is here, I would recommend watching it on the TV rather than a laptop, which can be done by using chromecast.

Donations towards the production :


  1. I highly recommend this film. It is 100 minutes and well worth viewing.
    I believe it will be taken down from pubic viewing soon. Watch it while you can. 3.8 million have watched it and it is out less than a week. This is a must see, essential viewing. Its free to view. I don't agree with everything but I do with most. Search under Planet of the Humans produced by Jeff Gibb and Michael Moore. Please watch. I made a promotional video on Val Martin Real True Education Not Fake News you tube channel.

  2. And if you skip the first 20 minutes of nonsense about "Climate Change" the documentary is even better.
