Monday, 28 November 2016

Irish Temperature Records - Running Hot or Cold ?

According to NASA, temperatures at Valentia increased in 2015 : 


However, the actual data from Valentia shows temperatures dropping in 2015 :

Met Eireann Data (Irish Met Office)

Met Eireann Data (Irish Met Office)


  1. I can remember back to the early 1960s and can see no change in tenperature in Ireland. Its the same now as it has always been. It's one aspect of life which is constant as I grow older. Every month they announce that last month was the hottest of record and every year they announce this was the hottest year on record. They announce this in late October so the colder November and December months are not counted. So where is the cumulative effects of incrimental temperature increases. It not there, they are lying.

  2. Simple google "Patrick Moore on the effect of co2" on ecology. There are a number of videos.
