The Environmental Protection Agenct (EPA) have granted Shell an Industrial Emissions Licence, leaving it in the hands now of Minister White to allow gas production to go ahead at the Corrib gas field.
This is probably the most significant piece of energy infrastructure in Ireland's history with potential to provide up to 60% of our gas needs at peak production. This will mean less reliance on UK, Norway and Dutch gas.
There will be 50MW of gas turbines on site to compress the gas for export to the gas distribution network.
From reading the 12 conditions attached to the licence, it appears that most of the local and environmental concerns have been mitigated to some extent.
One can see the value of its product from the very fact that it never attracted a subsidized price, unlike wind. It will fight it out in the tough electricity (and energy) markets, after capital investments of over a billion euros in the plant, without any subsidy or guaranteed price.
Reports I am hearing is that the town of Belmullet, an unban centre near the facility is booming with activity. I could never understand what all the opposition was about. I would have no objection to a gas pipe line running through my farm. There is no noise, and no pollution. Nor is it an attack on rural way of life. Wind and the connecting cables invade everywhere preventing sleep and killing birds. If electricity prices rise, then piped and bottles gas might act as an alternative in some circumstances. I checked an electric meter to find it took over 3 kwh (units of electricity) @ 24,5 euro cent per unit (75 cents) to prepare a main meal for 3 men. No soup and no desert, just 3 good hot meals, meat, potatoes and vegetables. A lady living alone tells me a 11 kg cylinder of gas for cooking only lasts one year. My calor gas cylinder used in the farm canteen lasts about 34 days. It costs about 32 euros per cylinder and I use it to boil water for the farm and for all meals I cook and for snacks etc. Gas can be used for light, and some heat, and it is probably a more efficient way to use energy than electricity. Its one possible way to get away for exorbitant electricity bills. But gas lighting can be awkward. I hear from traders that there is an increase in switching to gas for cooking. It is one solution for cooking which could catch on. Mt electricity price rose 5.08% in the first 6 months of 2015, standing @ 24.5 cents per unit